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TechMatters deal with societal technology matters…

            Issue - 4            Online pharmacies are the culprit

            Issue - 3            The worldwide march of the mobile phone

            Issue - 2            Driven over the edge

            Issue - 1            'Laddu' means a boy, 'barfi' a girl

Issue - 4 Matter

Source: The Hindu

The following questions are based on the newspaper article given above, addressing ‘Matters’ arising in our society as a result of technological advancements.

 1. Should Internet-based sales of controlled drugs be banned?  Why?

 2. What mechanisms can be evolved to prevent or detect the illicit sale of controlled drugs over the Internet?

 3. What specific roles should be mandated for physicians, who hold the right to prescribe these drugs for purely medical treatment, to enable them to prevent abuse?

4.  What specific roles should be played by educationists and the media to retrieve the situation and prevent further abuse?

...send in your responses to...   techmotivator@iitm.ac.in

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Issue - 3 Matter

Source: The Hindu

The following are questions based on the newspaper article given above, addressing ‘Matters’ arising in our society as a result of technological advancements.

1.  Given their widespread use, are mobile phones likely to significantly enhance the economic status of relatively poor farmers and farming communities?  What are the possible outcomes, in terms of urban-rural differences and interactions?

2.  Are mobile phones likely to cause the emergence of a new business structure without middlemen?

3.  What other functional capabilities should be incorporated into mobile phones to enable business communications and transactions become more effective and efficient?

4.  Will such widespread use of mobile phones lead to massive shifts in agricultural practices, further leading to unsustainable development?

5.  How can other traditional communication technologies, such as radio and television, be used to complement mobile phones in the context of rural businesses?

...send in your responses to...   techmotivator@iitm.ac.in

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Issue - 2 Matter

Source: The Hindu

The following are questions based on the newspaper article given above, addressing ‘Matters’ arising in our society as a result of technological advancements.

1.  Are entertainment technologies agents of social alienation?

2.  What should game designers do to inculcate better character among gamers?

3.  What should we, in India, do to enable gamers avoid addiction?

4.  Do you have more questions that have bothered you with this TechMatter? Do share them with us.

...send in your responses to...   techmotivator@iitm.ac.in

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Issue - 1 Matter.

Source: The Hindu

The following are questions based on the newspaper article given below, addressing ‘Matters’ arising in our society as a result of technological advancements.

1.  Should we learn to value “human resources” or only “manpower”?

2.  What systems can be developed to enable erring doctors to use ultrasonography technology in a socially correct manner?

3.  In what ways can technology be used to develop and sustain gender balance in our country?

...send in your responses to...   techmotivator@iitm.ac.in

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© Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India